Strathbogie Community Council

The Strathbogie Community Council serves the civil parishes of Glass, Cairnie, Drumblade, Forgue and also that part of Huntly outwith the area bounded by the Bogie, the Deveron and the Huntly by-pass.

James Ingleby  (Vice Chair) and George Wordie represent Glass
Mrs Jeanne Keith represents Cairnie
Douglas Stewart represents Drumblade
John Wilson, Mrs Pauline Ingram and Dr Eleanor Anderson (Chair) represent Forgue.
There is no representative of the Huntly Landward area at the moment.
The Clerk to the Community Council is Mrs Pat Scott, Dukewell, Drumblade

The Council meets at approximately six week intervals in the Stewarts Hall, Huntly. Meetings are open to members of the public and the four Aberdeenshire councillors for the Huntly, Strathbogie and Vale of Alford ward (Ward 14) are usually in attendance.

Minutes of the meetings and contact details for the members are displayed on the noticeboards  in each community. The noticeboards were provided by the Community Council for this purpose. All community councillors are pleased to raise issues or concerns of members of their communities. We have been most successful over the years in improvements to roads and safety, although we would all agree that there is still a lot to be done. The Strathbogie Community Council works closely with the other two community councils in Huntly and Tap o’ Noth for the benefit of the wider area.

The Strathbogie Community council is also represented on the Glens of Foudland Wind Farm Community Trust, Huntly Towns Partnership, Marr Area Rural Partnership, Leader -  Local Action Group (which administers European funding for rural community development projects such as village halls), Aberdeenshire Community Planning Board and the Ward 14 local community planning forums.

Once each year the Community council meets representatives of the pupil councils of the local schools to discuss matters of mutual concern.

Please let us know your concerns via:

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