Remembering Bishop Petrie

A celebration of a momentous incident in the history of Huntly and the Church, when on November 14th  1784, Bishop Arthur Petrie, Bishop of Moray, took part in the consecration of Samuel Seabury as Bishop for America, the first Anglican Bishop to serve outside the British Isles.

On Saturday 28th June 2014 a pilgrimage to Dunbennan Kirkyard where Bishop Petrie lies buried, will be led by Mark Strange, the current Episcopal Bishop of Moray, followed by a picnic, then a Ceildh and supper, with a special service of celebration in Christ Church on Sunday 29th.

The project includes research into the life and times of Bishop Petrie, to  produce a short booklet and Exhibition. The “Seabury” Chair, which was used at the ceremony in 1784, will be on show in Christ Church.

Wide promotion to the Episcopal Church in America, to join in the celebration, a homecoming to the area where their church was founded.


Name of Individual – Christ Church Huntly

Project Title – Remembering Bishop Petrie

Amount Awarded – £1,000

Date of Event – 28th June 2014