Huntly to Huntly

A feasibility study for holding an event linking Huntly Aberdeenshire with Huntly in New Zealand for the Year of Homecoming 2014.

The proposed event makes use of the fact both towns have rivers running through them.

Local people would participate in workshops, writing or drawing their stories/ poems/ thoughts/ feelings /wishes on waterproof paper. These would be made into illuminated ‘boat’ lanterns, and floated down both rivers simultaneously on the Autumn Equinox …at dusk for one, and dawn for the other.

The stories/poems and real time video capturing the events themselves would be transmitted to each other. So, as the boat lanterns float down both rivers, people’s thoughts and feelings move across the ether from one side of the planet to the other….from Huntly to Huntly.

This feasibility study will allow networking/funding options/communication links etc to be researched.


Name of Individual – Gill Russell

Project Title – Huntly to Huntly

Amount Awarded – £1,030

Date of Event – June 2014