Huntly Events Calendar

Huntly & District Tourism Action Group (HADTAG) have recently been awarded funding from the Huntly Cultural Fund to develop and manage an Events Calendar for the town and district. This calendar is now live online at and is ready to be used by visitors to Huntly and group organisers in the town.

We have obtained your contact details as a group organiser for a community group from the official Huntly website, We would hope that your group would be able to add any events organised by yourselves for the benefit of anyone interested to see what is going on in the area. Hopefully this will also benefit your group in advertising your events to a wider public.

If you are no longer the correct contact for your group we would appreciate it if you could pass this on to the relevant person. It would be appreciated if this information could be passed back to us to allow our database to be updated. Could you also pass on the information about the new website to any colleagues who might find it useful.

The calendar can be accessed at or from the link on the website. Events are viewed initially on a monthly calendar view but this is readily changed to a listing by month, week or day. On the monthly view, details of the event will be shown when the cursor hovers over the event entry. This can then be clicked to access further information. A small photograph can be uploaded for each event which will be displayed with the event details.

Adding your own events is a simple process using the online submission form. Just go to ‘Add event’ which will open the form and allow you to insert event details. Once complete, click ‘Submit’ and the information will be sent to our server. Event details will be subject to a review by a site administrator who will then authorise its publication. This is solely to prevent unwelcome spam submissions and your information will not be amended. If we consider that your entry could benefit from additional input we will contact you before making any changes.

Details of events organisers and venues will be available from drop-down lists or by typing in for new entries. These will then become available on future occasions.

There is a section of the website which will display photographs of past events, which will allow visitors to see some of the entertainment available in Huntly. If you have images of your own events it would be possible to include some of these in our gallery. You can contact the webmaster through the website to request this service.

If you would like more information or would like to discuss using the calendar you can email the administrator at or telephone 01464 861535.


Name of Organisation – Huntly & District Tourism Action Group

Project Title – Huntly Events Calendar

Amount Awarded – £1,500

Date of Event – November 2013 to Ongoing