AB54 Community PA Equipment

The funding will help to create a pool of AB54 community PA equipment which can be used by community groups.  A formal booking system will be established, and although it is not envisaged that a time based hire charge will be levied a small fixed fee will be requested towards the cost of PAT testing, cable replacement, etc.

The project will allow a group of young volunteer technicians to further develop their skills by supporting local events, giving them a sense of purpose whilst demonstrating the contribution which can be made by young people without performance skills to a vibrant local performing arts scene,

This should give potential event organisers confidence and support to put on events which otherwise would not take place. Working with the Gordon Schools the project could help deliver the sound and lighting modules of the Drama course under the Curriculum for Excellence.

Further funding will be sought to increase the range of equipment available.


Name of Individual – Peter Rawlings

Project Title – AB54 Community PA Equipment

Amount Awarded – £1,366

Date of Event – Ongoing

e – sbs.insch@virgin.net