
The Creative Place Awards at the Byre Theatre, St AndrewsWelcome to the Huntly Cultural Fund, an exciting initiative to showcase the creative talents of groups and individuals in Huntly and district.

The Huntly Cultural Fund has been made possible through Huntly’s recognition as one of Scotland’s most creative places in Creative Scotland’s 2013 ‘Creative Place’ awards. Huntly won the category for towns in the category of 2,500-10,000 residents. The award brought with it a sum of £100,000, part of which was earmarked to support the new Deveron Arts Walking Institute and the other part to create the Huntly Cultural Fund.

The aim of the Huntly Cultural Fund is to help local groups and individuals make Huntly and district an even better place to live, work and visit by encouraging even more creative activities. The fund has been designed specifically to support local organisations and individuals develop and deliver cultural activities linked to the Year of Natural Scotland 2013 and the Year of Homecoming 2014. All projects have to be delivered by 31st December 2014. Projects that leave a legacy beyond this period and promote partnership working are particularly welcomed.

In spring 2013 an open call for projects resulted in 68 applications being submitted to the fund. Demand for support far exceeded the sum of £40,000 available. In May 2013, a community panel selected the 38 applications that they considered best met the local criteria and the terms agreed with the organisations behind the Creative Place Awards, CreativeScotland, the National Lottery and The Herald. Applications to the fund are now closed.

The Huntly Cultural Fund has been achieved partly through the work of Deveron Arts, a Huntly based contemporary arts organisation. Deveron Arts has no gallery – instead the town is the venue – acting as studio, gallery and stage for artists of all disciplines invited from around the world to live and work here. Engaging with local people and the community through topics of both local and global concern, Deveron Arts works through a 50/50 approach. This brings together artistic and social relationships in a global network that extends throughout and beyond the geographic boundaries of Huntly.

The fund also rewards the years of hard work by creative people and groups in Huntly and district, and their dedication to their craft.

The Huntly Cultural Fund is managed by Huntly Development Trust with the support of Deveron Arts and Huntly & District Tourism Action Group.

Accompanying picture shows members of Huntly’s creative community accepting the Creative Place Award in the category 2,500-10,000 people at the awards ceremony in St Andrews in January 2013.

Further info:

More information on the Huntly Cultural Fund is available from:

Claudia Zeiske, Director, Deveron Arts:

01466 794494, info@deveron-arts.com

Donald Boyd, Development Manager, Huntly Development Trust:

01466 799416, 07788 438585, donald.boyd@huntlydevelopmentrust.org

More information on the Creative Scotland Creative Place awards can be found at: www.creativescotland.com/explore/projects/creative-place-awards.