Who Killed the Cock of the North?


Who Killed the Cock of the North? A Sixteenth Century Whodunit with a Difference! – an interactive ‘promenade’ entertainment by Glass Drama group ‘See Thru’ Productions’ directed by Alison Sellar in the precincts of Huntly Castle.

Following the success of  ‘Trials and Triumphs’, the story of the Gordon clan, local writer Anne L Forbes brings her story to life in this light hearted re-enactment of events leading to the downfall of the all powerful 4th Earl of Huntly.

This is no ordinary historical drama… it has a twist.  The audience will be asked to decide who or what was responsible!

It is a story full of ambition, intrigue, violence and  greed, set in the troubled times of 16th century Scotland, where the principal characters, with  their individual agendas, are all entwined in a complex web of family tensions and political struggle.

Come and enjoy it…….at Huntly Castle with the Earl and Countess and the ever watchful servants, in Holyrood with Mary Queen of Scots and even by a battlefield!

Living history at Huntly Castle!


Name of Individual – Anne L Forbes

Project Title – Who Killed the Cock of the North? (A sixteenth-century whodunit with a difference!)

Amount Awarded – £1,000

Date of Event – 26th, 27th & 28th June 2014 at 6.30pm


Copyright – VisitScotland/Scottish Viewpoint
