
This is an art project closely associated with Daisy Williamsons proposal for a pop-up Pictish Café in Rhynie for the archeologists who have returned to continue their exploration of Rhynies Pictish Kingdom. This will be a hub where the diggers and locals/visitors can meet and monitor progress of the dig.

Within this space I will be setting up a souvenir exchange. Visitors to the café will have the opportunity to bring along old souvenirs from around the world. In exchange for their objects I will give a souvenir of the Rhynie dig. These will be manufactured objects such as postcards, pens, beer mats etc all with a design befitting the event. The old souvenirs will be collected and be made into a ‘drawer museum’ that will sit along side any finds the archeologists might find. Stories associated with the old souvenirs will be recorded and the objects labeled accordingly.

Please come along in the first week of July 2013 and bring your souvenirs and stories in exchange for a new souvenir and the rediscovery of ancient stories.


Name of Individual – Debbi Beeson

Project Title – Souvenir

Amount Awarded – £1,000

Date of Event – June 30th – July 6th 2013

Facebook – Rhynie Woman